Not all Internet and Yellowpages Florists are really florists. In actuality, most companies like From You Flowers, 1-800 Flowers, Just Flowers, ProFlowers,, Blooms Today, and are simply “middlemen” in call centers who put an extra layer of costly services between you and the shop that actually makes and delivers your order. Besides these well known companies, there are many other that go by “local-looking” names such as, Broadway Florist, All American Florist,, Lauren’s Flowers and on and on. These companies go to great lengths to look “local” – often very deceitfully.
If you place an order with one of these brokers, by the time the local florist actually receives your order, the $100 you spent has become about $65. Fees and commissions eat up the other $35. Since the person taking your order has no idea what flowers the local shop has available and when they can deliver, the odds of your order being filled as requested and when requested are slim. You lose and so does the local florist.
The service fees for these deceitful order gathering brokers range from $7.95 to more than $24.95 – simply to relay your order to a local florist. With no perishable product or physical retail store PLUS the 20% commission and $5.00 (or more) rebate per order they receive from Teleflora, Bloomnet and FTD, it is easy to see what a money maker this is for the broker.
As you are deciding on a florist, be sure they have a local address and phone number.
If you call, ask for their physical address.
Don’t be fooled by ads promising “50% off all products” – the broker will more than recoup that with their “convenience” and “delivery” fees. The money collected from these fees is not passed on to the local florist – the broker keeps that. You will get 100% value for what the local florist is paid – not 100% value of what you paid.
For additional information and a listing of deceitful order gatherers/brokers, go to
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